Friday, August 17, 2012

Does Science lead to Atheism?

~Tensai-Teki Kuroneko~

I wrote this for the school magazine, hurriedly at that, so it may not be of the best quality... but it's still fine.


Contrary to the popular belief, I don't think scientific influence is directly responsible for the rapid rise in the number of atheists in the well-educated strata of the society. I, as a science enthusiast, would like to present my views on this sensitive topic.

Science is, basically, the study and observation of the laws and workings of nature and natural phenomena. It, being an intrinsic consequence of the inquisitive nature of human beings, has its origin dating back to the appearance of the primitive civilizations. Through the years, we have discovered, through rigorous observations and experiments, some fundamental laws that the nature has been following. God, as we generally believe, is the creator of the universe. Religion, on the other hand, is the belief in and worship of a 'particular' identity of God. This thin yet distinct line between atheism and irreligiousness forms the basis of my argument.
"It's ironic that there are some scientists who don't believe in God, yet they are the ones closest to God."

– Hiromu Arakawa

A majority of the prominent scientists like Einstein, Feynman, Leibnitz and Newton have openly stated their belief in the profound existence of God. By denying it, not only a scientist or a science enthusiast reducing the laws to mere accidents, but is also undermining his position to that of a lottery judge.
"God doesn't play dice with the world."

-Albert Einstein

What I have found, from my personal experience, that study of science in fact reinforces the concept of God. The laws of nature sometimes show such distinct analogies, that it is impossible to believe that the creation of the universe could have been a result of randomized events. We can compare fluid flow to electric flux and human blood vessels to xylem and phloem! The gravitational and electrical laws are parallel to one another, while being fundamentally different! In words of Richard P. Feynman, a renowned theoretical physicist, we are observers of a great "chess" game played by the Gods, and we occasionally discover new rules. Each of them provide even more reasons to believe in the presence of a higher entity.

Though for religion, I may not say the same. It's quite natural and fairly common for science enthusiasts, like myself, to start questioning the validity of certain customs, traditions, superstitions and astrological theories that have not been validated by scientific evidence. A mere coincidence of Friday and the 13th day of any month is considered unlucky! Placing shoes on the table is believed to be a sign of approaching death! Crossing paths with a black cat is ominous, as though it was the cat's fault to be born with dark fur and to be considered an ill omen! Personally, I feel that challenging such religious dogmas and doctrines may seem troublesome at first, but would contribute in development of a more rational and logical personality, ultimately paving the way towards a better and more open-minded society.

Even if science does not present a direct evidence of God, it does not mean that it supports atheism. There is no doubt that it sows the seeds of irreligiousness, since it does not acknowledge any specific taboos or forms of worship of God. It is not even preventing agnosticism, which is the belief that nothing can be known about God. But, precisely, agnosticism accepts the inability of humans to know anything about God, while atheism denies God's very existence. They are very often used synonymously, but indeed hold different meanings altogether.

Science is merely a subject to satisfy the curiosity of over-nosy and speculative individuals who find nature too fascinating and marveling to just sit and stare at, without attempting to gain a deeper knowledge about her! But it is also the only path to enlightenment and greater understanding of the material world. I would like to end this essay with the following lines:
"I think nature's imagination is so much greater than man's, she's never going to let us relax!"

Richard P. Feynman

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